DIRECTION OF PLACEMENT – NORTH SIZE -18 X 24 INCH BENEFITS: Create new opportunities, generates recognition brings the flow of clients, and promotion.
Green Landscape Painting
Green color has great importance in Vastu Shastra. The green color is related to the air element. If there is any defect in the green air element in the house or office, then it has a profound effect on our life. By applying green screen painting in the house, the atmosphere of the house remains fine. There is prosperity in work and health problems are also cured. If you keep the painting of green screen in your house in the north direction, then it is very beneficial in business. This gives new work opportunities and also increases work. If you have been preparing for a job for a long time and you are not able to get a job, then the chances of getting a job increase. New avenues open up for you. New avenues of earning money start opening. There is an atmosphere of happiness and prosperity in the house as well. Because this makes Vastu even good. Green painting changes the energy in your home when it is on the North Side. Whenever you are applying any painting or doing any other work, if you do it according to Vastu, then it will be good for both you and your future. Doctors also recommend the Morning Walk because we look at the trees and look at the grass while walking in the park in the morning. This improves our vision. And by applying green screen painting in the house, we also get similar benefits
Vastu Shastra has been going on since ancient times. Earlier, when people used to build their houses, they used to build them according to Vastu. Because they used to believe in Vastu Shastra. As we know, the green scene painting has green color. And green is the color of air. Along with this, it is also related to intelligence. The more intelligent you are, the more intelligent you will take decisions. When your intelligence doesn't support you, you often fall behind. Because you do not get the right path and you are not able to take the right decision on time and in the end, you get disappointed. If you are also in the same problem then you should apply green scene painting in your house. By applying this in your house, this problem of yours will go away very soon. And you will be able to take a good decision. Good decisions will make you successful in your life and you will lead a successful life. Because when there is a Vastu defect of air, it also affects your mind. Due to this, you’re thinking power decreases. Due to less power in your thinking, you start getting frustrated. When all the elements are in balance, then you will do your work well and you will get money in your pocket. With which you will be able to fulfill your needs and also increase your business further.
Earlier people did not pay so much attention to Vastu, but now people have started paying a lot of attention to Vastu. People have started paying attention only because Vastu has started benefiting them. Many such problems of people who they did not have any solution, they were solved by Vastu and they are living a good life. Like a person wants to have a car of his choice. But due to family problems and financial problems, he can get the car. Because if he fulfills the needs of the house, then with the money that is left, he will fulfill his wish. But due to all the money being spent in-home and outside work, neither he can save money nor can add. Because of this, his dream is remaining only a dream. If you are also in such a situation, then put a green scene painting in your house. Applying this painting according to Vastu in your office in your home. It will change your life. New sources of money will start being created for you. Due to this Lakshmi Maa will come into your life. Because when you keep this painting in the north direction then the sources of income will be strong. You will have enough money that you will be able to buy the thing of your choice and also be able to invest in your business.
Sometimes we do some Vastu defect by mistake. Which we don't even get to know about. When we come to know about it. Then it's too late for us. If we want to come out of this problem, then we have to take the help of Vastu. Because without the help of Vastu, Vastu defects cannot be corrected. We can find out from Vastu Shastra only how weak an element has been made by us due to Vastu Dosh. If money is not coming into your house, then this defect will be removed by painting your green screen. And you can get this easily. There are many types of painting too, but after seeing you have to take green screen painting. Because wrong painting can also cause Vastu defects. Keeping a green scan painting in the north direction can increase the chances of getting a job. Job avenues will be open for you, due to which you will grow as a good person. If you get a job in a good place, then money will come into the house and a good atmosphere will remain in your house. You will prosper and your prestige will also increase. All this will happen when you put green screen painting in your house that too in the north direction. Only then will you be able to enjoy all these pleasures. Without it, you will never be able to find a way out of that problem. Because Vastu is used to correct Vastu defects.
Often such an atmosphere is created in the house that no one is aware of. All this happens because of the energy present in the house. The effect of this energy affects you in such a way that if you want to go out somewhere or study abroad, then it also affects us. Therefore, Due to this,the energy which was supposed to support you in going abroad gets cured and you can study outside. If there is a green tree painting in the house, it converts that energy into positive energy. It is the dream of every parent that their child goes out for studies but due to financial constraints, he is not able to send his child outside. All this happens only because of the problem of money in the house. If there is a green screen painting in the house, then the problem of money in the house starts reducing. If you have a dream that your child should study outside, then you can fulfill it. Applying just one painting will make a huge difference to your home that your family's as well as your children's lives. With which they will be able to go out and fulfill their dreams. So Vastu Shastra was created by the gods, to make our lives better. Good Vastu also makes our life auspicious. And also make our life full of happiness and prosperity.
It has been told in Vastu that if we are building an office, then it will be very good for us if it is made according to Vastu. If we make the office according to green architecture, then our work becomes better. We will get new contracts and this will help us grow our business. If there is a green screen painting in the office, then it will eliminate all the negative energy present in the office, which will be beneficial for our work. If green tree painting is done in the office, then the good atmosphere in the office remains positive. Due to which everyone can do good work in the office. According to Green Architect, there are many benefits of building an office keeping in mind the rules of Green Architect. This also maintains the natural air in the office. The natural atmosphere of the office is maintained. Where there is positive energy in the office, new ideas come to the mind of the employees. By following this people can take the business to a new level. Because ideas to promote business comes only when the mind is positive. And he can think creatively. It is also very important to have a positive environment to think creatively. Being in the office, the green painting creates a positive atmosphere in the office. By which new ideas come and we get benefit in our business and also create employment opportunities for other people.
When we make our house according to green Vastu, then every room of our house should be prepared accordingly. Because if every room of the house is made according to it, then there will always be that energy in the house that brings Lakshmi to the house and brings prosperity. If such energy always remains in our house, then we will like to live in that house and at the same time, our children will also have good development. Mental health will also be good with green scene painting. Because it is written in Vastu that the green color also cures mental problems. If your children are sick, they will be fine. If they do not feel like studying and they are not able to pass the exam as well. If their room will be in the context of green architecture and there will be green landscape painting in their study room, then they will be able to study well or will be able to pass with good marks. Vastu defect has the same effect on the mind of the children as it does on every member of the house. Just as all the household chores stop, in the same way the mental development and concentration of the children also ends. For the better future of the children, green screen paintings should be kept in their room so that they can read and make their own future. If we look at green landscape painting, then it also has a good effect on our eyes. Just like looking at the trees, the eyesight will be fine. We feel natural energy inside of us if we see green landscape paintings.
In today's time, every person wants to earn good money. Every person wants that he should have a good salary, or he should have a good occupation so that he can live a good life. And can complete the needs of his family and achieve whatever he wants. Every person wants to have a good house in which he can live well and his family lives happily. Many times these things get away from you due to Vastu defects. You can fall down from your success because of Vastu Dosh. Your ongoing work may stop. But it also has a solution. Vastu is the solution to Vastu Dosh. By applying green landscape painting in your home, all your troubles will gradually end. Money problems happen when the path to money gets blocked. This path is blocked only when you do any Vastu defect, causing an imbalance of your elements. Due to the problem of elements, not only do your money-related problems increase but your mental stress also starts to flare up. So the first thing you lose is concentration. If there is no concentration then you will not be able to work. And if you are not able to work then money problems will remain in your life. Green landscape painting also enhances your concentration. It sends an influx of positive energy to your mind. And this ends your money problem. Because now you can concentrate and complete your work.
It is very difficult to get a job in today's life. In today's time, there is a lot of competition the competitions. In such a situation, if you get a job, then you consider yourself very lucky. It is not necessary that you are not getting the job because you do not deserve it. Everything has two sides. Maybe you are not able to find a job due to a Vastu defect. It is possible that due to Vastu defects, the way to get your job is getting closed. Before it is too late, you should get the Vastu defects corrected. Because if the Vastu defect is corrected, then you will also be able to find a job and work. To get a job, put a green landscape painting in your house in the north direction. Because the North direction is the direction where the opportunities come. New avenues are found. In this way the sum of your earnings becomes correct. When we do not get a job due to a Vastu defect, we blame ourselves. Can we get that job by removing Vastu defects? We can achieve every destination which is beyond our thinking. If our Vastu will is right. It is written in Vastu Shastra that if your work is not going on. Or if your work is stopped. You are not getting a job. Correct you’re Vastu Defect which blocks that path of your success and prosperity, then you will also get a job and your work will continue.
It is said that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. And a healthy mind takes us forward in life. A healthy mind always keeps us positive. And gives us the energy to do the work. Only with a healthy body can we lead a good life. If the body itself is not healthy then how will we be able to work? If we are not able to work then we will not be able to fulfill our daily needs. Due to this such difficulties will come in our life and there will be tension in our house. And we will be left behind in life. No one wants to be behind in their life. But due to Vastu defects, many times we lose a lot in life. Good business, good family, good body. But all these can be fixed in time. If Vastu is corrected in time. Vastu defects can also be the reason for health issues. Many times we take many types of medicines but it does not make any difference in our body. In this, the fault is not of medicine, it is because of Vastu, which starts spoiling your body. Due to which your body does not feel whatever you eat for good health. Green landscape painting corrects that flaw of yours. Which brings your health and your life back on the right track.
There is prosperity in the house and happiness in life only when your health and your work are good. Because the work is good then you will be able to live a good life and you will also have good health. But as much as the Vastu defect affects health, it also affects work. The job doesn't always have to be bad, it may just stop whatever you do. Many times if you are going to do some important work, then even that is not possible. If we want to start any business of ours but there are many problems in starting it, then you can use Vastu to solve it. Wherever you go to start your work, you will get success. If your Vastu is fine. By applying green landscape painting in your house, the Vastu of your house will be better. And all your stalled work will be done. Who has stayed till now? Work stops only because of Vastu defects. As soon as a green landscape painting will come into your home or office. In this way, it will start her work. It will correct every defect which is causing your failure. It will also stabilize your mental balance